Green Agate Signet Ring Seal Engraved With Heron Crest

Hand Engraving a Signet Ring

Here you can see a case study of a personal project undertaken for Mr. David Robert Wooten, the Executive Director of the American College of Heraldry.

The images portrayed show the process from receiving Mr. Wooten's own artwork, (please note: we can also produce artwork for your approval) through the marking on and hand engraving of the ring, to images of the finished signet ring itself.

Please Click Images To See Detail:

marking design on the ring face Showing the Marking On Hand engraving of the signet ring Hand Engraved Ring Front View Finished Hand Engraved Ring

Dexter engraved a signet ring from a coat of arms artwork designed by the American College of Heraldry. Here you can see the artwork involved, and a wax impression made from the actual engraved signet ring.

Coat of Arms Ring Case Study:

American College of Heraldry Artwork Close-up of American College of Heraldry Artwork Wax Impression of the Coat of Arms with Owl Crest