Knights Templar Ancient Seal Wax Impression

Anient Seal of the Grand Master of the Knights Templar(M4)

Replica Historic Seal Ring of The Two Riders

Story of The Two Riders?

The Ancient Knights Templar Seal is thought to have been in use since 1167. Depicting two knights on a single horse, the riders are thought to be Godfrey de Saint-Omer and Hugues de Payens. While there are numerous interpretations, we will leave the history to the scholars and do what we do best...

With our experience in the reproduction of historic deep seal engravings, we received a private commission to produce a faithful reproduction of the Knights Templar ancient seal ring. Based on examples of the original Templar Seal, we now offer this engraving, meticulously & time consuming reproduced, on a signet ring of your choice.

Right: Replica Knights Templar Ancient Seal Ring

Choose Your Choice of Ring Engraved with the Ancient Seal: Prices / Options

Knights Templar Ancient Seal (M4) Ring Replica From Original Seal

Ancent Seal & More Knights Templar Rings

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